Legal Notice

Legal Notice

You are currently connected to the Hotel RESEDA Paris website.


SIRET number: 41498416100029

VAT number: FR 78 414 984 161

Commercial reason: BAGNOLET HOTEL

Registered office: 17, Rue René Anjolvy, 94250

Email :

Tel : 01 70 59 75 59

Activity: Hotels

Legal form: SAS

Director of publication: Johann Goi

Host: OVH, 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France (

Realization and development of the website: ALEZ PC, 8 rue Hans List, Bâtiment H – 78290 Croissy sur Seine

Design : Partners & Associates, 228 rue du Noyer – 1030 Bruxelles, Belgique


The website is aimed at audiences in all countries. It is available in three languages: French, English and Spanish.


“In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EEC) No 2006/2004 and Directive No 2009/22/CE, the customer may access the online dispute resolution platform from the link


Intellectual property rights

Hotel Reseda Paris is the owner and author of the website, according to the Code of Intellectual Property. The development of this site was provided by ALEZ PC.

The photographs, texts, slogans, logos, drawings, images, animated sequences, sound or not, as well as all works integrated in the site are the property of the Hotel Reseda Paris or third parties having authorized Hotel Reseda Paris to use them.

The content of this site is protected by copyright laws, international conventions.

This site is only for your personal use. The reproductions, in paper or computer, of said site and the works which are integrated therein are authorized provided that they are strictly reserved for a personal use, excluding any use for advertising and / or commercial purposes, and that they are comply with the provisions of Article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code and that no warnings concerning its property are erased. With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any means whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the “pages” of the site, without having obtained the authorization prior to Hotel Reseda Paris, is strictly prohibited and constitutes a crime of counterfeiting.


Trademark rights

The Hotel Reseda Paris appellation, the Hotel Reseda Paris logo, the names, brands of products and services mentioned on this site are registered trademarks. The reproduction, imitation, use or affixing of these marks without having obtained prior authorization from the owners of the marks constitutes an offense of infringement.


Personal data

Hotel Reseda Paris, collects your data to process your contact request.
By sending a message through this form, you agree to accept an email correspondence relating to your original request.
The required data is necessary to answer your request; they will be kept for two years to ensure follow-up.
The information transmitted is reserved for the exclusive use of Hotel Reseda Paris, and will in no case be communicated to third parties.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data. You may also object, for legitimate reasons, to the use of your data.
As of May 25, 2018, in accordance with the General Regulations on Data Protection, you will have the right to erase your data.
Only you can exercise these rights on your own data by contacting: Hotel Reseda Paris, 2 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 93170 Bagnolet or to, specifying in the subject of the mail “Law of persons” and in enclosing a copy of your proof of identity.

In no event will Hotel Reseda Paris be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of its website or other sites linked to it.

Hotel Reseda Paris can not be held responsible for the content of these sites having established a hypertext link to the website If you want to set up a hypertext link to our site, we thank you for contacting us.

When you visit the site, we inform you that a cookie is automatically created on your computer. A cookie is a block of data used to record information about the user’s navigation on the accessed site. For security reasons, we use this process only to create a temporary link between the user and the server. This link is systematically lost either during a prolonged interruption of the dialogue with the server, or during the voluntary termination of the connection with the server.

We use these cookies to compile statistics on the use of our site, to optimize circulation and to know your interests. The acceptance of cookies is not an obligation to navigate our site.


Warnings and cautions:

Despite all the care taken in the realization of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information and / or documents presented, users of the site will therefore carry out any useful checks, the responsibility of Hotel Reseda Paris not may be engaged due to possible errors.

Hotel Reseda Paris reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site at any time without notice.

In case of default of the internet system, whatever the cause or origin, the company Hotel Reseda Paris can not be held responsible for any direct, indirect or incidental damage due to the unavailability of the website.

In such a case, you can use the alternative systems at your disposal (telephone, fax, mail …).


Responsibilities mails and messages

We invite you to send us your comments or questions about this website or our services, via the “contact” section.

It is forbidden to send or transmit defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, or illegal messages, as well as any message that could constitute or encourage behavior that could be considered a criminal offense, which would lead to liability, or that would break any law in any way.

Hotel Reseda Paris assumes no responsibility for the content of such communication, nor for any defamation, error, inaccuracy, obscenity or blasphemy that may appear in it. Hotel Reseda Paris will cooperate fully with any law enforcement authority or court order.


Applicable right

The website was designed in France, it is also hosted in France.
This legal notice of the site is subject to French law. In case of dispute, the French courts will be competent.


Right of retractation

In accordance with the article L221-28 of the consumer’s code, the customer does not have the right of withdrawal provided by the article L221-28 of the consumer’s code, given the nature of the services provided. The contract is therefore definitively concluded as soon as the booking is made by the consumer according to the associated general sales and conditions.


Opposition to telephone solicitation

In accordance with the article L223-1 of the consumer’s code, the consumer who does not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone can register freely on a red list via the following link Bloctel – consumer’s space on the website :


Consumer’s mediator

In accordance with Articles L. 616-1 and R. 111-1 6° of the Consumer Code, the customer is entitled to contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details are currently as follows:
BP 80 303
75823 PARIS CEDEX 17
Email address:
Telephone number : +33(0)1 42 67 96 68